Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Going East, Again.

So remember that super awesome train deal that lead me to visit Dan? Well, I was smart enough to take advantage of this deal and made a grand return to Dresden to visit Jule and Sebastian for a weekend, December 9-12.

On Thursday I went to school as usual then took an afternoon train direct to Dresden. Germany has had INSANE amounts of snow, particularly out east, so my train was delayed about 40 minutes. I spent my six-and-a-half hours grading essays written by one of my eighth grade classes about "Spending Thanksgiving in the US". They were entertaining (one of my favorite essays explained that at Thanksgiving dinner they had whiskey, rum, vodka and cocktails... jeeze, I don't come off as that much of a lush, do I?).

We spent our first night in Gorbitz having a Skype Date with Jake Fluharty. Boy I miss that kid. General ridiculousness ensued. On Friday Sebastian had to work, so Jule and I visited a few Weihnachtsmarkt. We walked around the Dresdener Striezelmarkt, one of the oldest Christmas Markets in Germany, dating to 1434. Most markets are only decorated with lights, and therefore only pretty at night, but this market has a lot of wooden decorations as well, so it is pretty all the time. We met with Stephan and Katha at another market for Glühwein and then met up with more of their friends back at the Streizelmarkt for another Glühwein. (two more mugs, check!)

We met Sebastian at 3 to take a train to Zwickau, but the ticket line was super long and the train was too full (they kicked people off the train!), so we had to wait an hour for the next one. While we waited, I enjoyed a Thüringer Wurst (to make sure I had my three Ws for the day ;-) ).        

In Zwickau we made Feuerzangenbowle! 

Red wine, lemon or orange slices, spices (allspice, nutmeg) and the magic ingredient -- a sugar roll (giant sugar cube) over which you pour 54% rum and light on fire. The sugar melts into the wine making a beverage of excellence. Awesome to make, awesome to drink.  

On Saturday we were supposed to go to the Weihnachtsmarkt with Jule's mom, but she was sick. We had lunch with Oma and Opa Roscher (and I got to see Oma Roscher's awesome Christmas decorations. Beautiful hand- carved Weihnachtspyramiden and Räuchermänner. They are stunning - loved them.). Jule and I went to visit her dad in the hospital. He seemed to be in a pretty good mood, but the poor dear will have to spend Christmas in the hospital. We gave him good company for a bit so he wasn't so bored. 

Afterwards we went to the Zwickauer Weihnachtsmarkt. We enjoyed a Glühwein (another mug!) and browsed the Christmas goods. The Weihnachstmann (Santa) came and greeted children. German children sing poems to the Weihnachtsmann and I managed to learn one: 

"  Advent Advent, ein Lichtlein brennt, [Advent, Advent, a small light burns/shines]
erst eins, dann zwei, dann drei, dann vier, [first one, then two, then three, then four]
dann steht das Weihnachtsmann (Christkind) vor der Tür"  [then Santa Claus is at the door] 

The poem references the Advent candles that families burn in their homes. Each Advent Sunday, an additional candle is lit on the Advent wreath. The little kid at the market said Weihnachtsmann, but you can also say Christkind, because in some areas (heavily Catholic, primarily the South and parts of the West) the Christkind brings presents instead of the Weihnachtsmann.

 Zwickau City Hall and Christmas Market 

After our stint at the Weihnachtsmarkt, we went home and enjoyed Blueberry Glühwein and relaxed. On Sunday we made a mad dash back to Dresden, and I took the train back to Mainz. It was such a nice weekend and a greatly-welcomed change of scenery. I always enjoy my visits in Sachsen with Jule and Sebastian and I was sad to leave! I look forward to another visit in the spring -- after the snow has melted :) 

lg, Lauren 

PS - Germany's PopStars finale was during my visit and the winners released this beauty. It is quite catchy, but be sure to turn off you internal English grammar check:

Friday, December 17, 2010


One of my fellow Fulbrighters, John, had a Grand Proposal: an all-day trip around Rhineland-Pfalz, visiting Christmas Markets in Ludwigshafen, Mannheim, Speyer, Worms and Mainz. Food, Friends, and of course, Glühwein. It sounded like a pretty spectacular idea. A whole day of Christmas-spirited happy goodness and a chance to add to my collection of Glühwein mugs. And did I mention how much I LOVE Glühwein?!

December 4, 9am, our group of five Mainzer/Bingener Fulbrighters headed to Ludwigshafen to meet up with Jessica, the Fulbrighter stationed there. She picked us up from the train station and we hit the town for breakfast before the market opened at 11am. We had a nice, filling breakfast of scrambled eggs and brötchen with an assortment of jams. We hit the market shortly thereafter, got our first Glühwein of the day, and browsed the stalls. 

A nice (albeit a bit creepy) man took our picture!

  (L to R: me, Emily, John, Jessica, Lori and Beth) 

Then we moved on to Mannheim. There was a sweet model ICE train to ride (ok, intended for children), but the man at the counter wouldn't let me buy a ticket. hmph. So I enjoyed a mug of Feuerzangenbowle instead. Since we spent a long time eating breakfast in Ludwigshafen, our time in Mannheim was cut a bit short so we could catch the train to Speyer. 
On the train to Speyer, I started to get an unsettling feeling in my stomach. I figured it was just the combination of the large breakfast and the two large mugs of wine I had consumed within past hour and that it would soon pass. But buy the time we got to the Speyer market, I was sick. To prevent ruining the group's holiday cheer, I headed back to Mainz.  

*Cue worst two hours on a train ever* The only thing good about that train ride was buying a rose from a bachelor party dressed as Lady Gaga and her security guards. Brightened my mood a bit. (For those who don't know, before the bachelor party group actually parties, they collect money for the new bride and groom by selling roses and shots of alcohol in public places. The groom-to-be is usually dressed up, but this by far was the most hilarious and most creative I've seen) 

By the time I got home, I felt much better (for reasons I won't share here). I napped a bit and rejoined the group once they got to Mainz, though I didn't drink any Glühwein. 

So this got me thinking. Why on Earth would I get sick? Everyone else had the same breakfast and the same amount of Glühwein! I recalled the times I've got similarly sick since I've been here, and each time I've had eggs. So, new discovery, I have a new-developed sensitivity to eggs. Awesome :\ While I'm glad I know this now, I wish I would have found out on a different day. Oh well. 

Current Glühwein mug count: 3

lg, Lauren   

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Winter is here

At 6:30 this morning, I was reminded how beautiful life can be. I walked out of my apartment hustling to the tram stop like any other Tuesday morning. It was dark and cold, also normal for a winter day in late November. But today, something was different. Yesterday's snow rendered bountiful radiance under the streetlight's orange glow. It was still pure white, untouched by car tracks and footprints. At my tram stop, I turned around and looked at the snow-covered St. Stephan's Church, illuminated by lights, dominating the horizon. There was nothing but silence - I could hear myself breathe. No cars. No trams. No people. For the first time, it was just me. I stood feeling a remarkable sense of peace, watching the Earth glisten, until knocked out of my trance by the arrival of my tram. But not even going to school at such a ridiculous hour could smother this moment of joy.

Last week was my first Thanksgiving away from home. The Fulbright Alumni Association invited the Fulbrighters in the region to an American-style Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday night. Pumpkin curry soup, mashed potatoes, gravy, mixed vegetables, sweet potatoes, stuffing, and, of course, Turkey. And apple pie for dessert. I spoke a lot of German, enjoyed fine wine, and ate more than I should have. It was a nice evening, with good company, but something was missing. All the components were there, but this holiday that celebrates the American spirit was still, well, German.

On Saturday I trekked with a few Mainzer Fulbrighters over the river and through the woods to visit Beth and Lori in Bingen (actually, we stayed in this side of the river, and there aren't any woods, just vineyards, but you get the idea). We brought all of the fixins from home for an true American feast. Green bean casserole, baked apples, corn bread, deviled eggs, cranberries, salad, stuffed mushrooms, Stove Top stuffing (shipped from the good ol' USA), lots and lots of mashed potatoes, gravy, and turkey (that I undercooked, whoops). We piled our plates high and ate until we needed to lay on the floor in order to alleviate discomfort. Lori and Beth gave a tour of Bingen, so we could burn a few calories and enjoy some Glühwein. And then we went back to Beth's apartment for seconds and thirds. But it wasn't the food that made this Thanksgiving right (though it was quite epic, if I must say).

Thanksgiving is about family.  

The Fulbrighters here -- Emily, John, Ashley, Beth, Lori, Sally, and Liz -- have become my family. I can always rely on them for an adventure, a shoulder to cry on, and a good laugh. I know this year is about cultural exchange and seeking all that is new, but now, more than ever, I appreciate home. And these people, my family, make Mainz home. I am so thankful for them.

On Monday, much to my delight, it started to snow. I left school in Ingelheim at 10am, just as the first flakes began to fall. And they kept coming. 5pm rolled around and everything was covered in a blanket of white, and it seemed like the snowfall would never end. My roommate and I went to the Weihnachtsmarkt to enjoy a few mugs of Feuerzangenbowle and preview all of the Christmas goods I would be buying before the end of the season. We stood under the lighted veil of the market, hot mugs in our hands, big white flakes tickling our noses, enjoying the sights, smells and sounds. This Christmas spirit somehow manages to warm my heart, even on the coldest of nights. Absolutely magical. The Germans really know how to celebrate Christmas. I love it.   

Snow. Family. Christmas Spirit. Winter is here in Mainz and it has captured my soul.

lg, Lauren

PS - On a drier night I will take pictures of the Weihnachtsmarkt. But until then, here's this:

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cultural Exchange

This year is about more than teaching. I aim to promote growth and understanding both for my students and co-workers and myself. William Fulbright's visionary concept was to promote "mutual understanding between our two countries through academic and bicultural exchange." I finally feel that I achieved just that.

The lack of an oven in my tiny (but wonderful) apartment is starting to bug me. I love to cook. I bake when I'm stressed. I achieve fulfillment by cooking for others. And frankly, with no oven, my stomach just isn't happy (it knows I can do better).

And since I love cooking and food, Thanksgiving is number three on the list of awesome holidays (Christmas is number one because you get presents and food. Halloween is number two because it's the only day of the year when it's ok for grown-ups get to play pretend and you get candy). I decided that my favorite class needed to experience the awesomeness of Thanksgiving. And that means one thing: PUMPKIN PIE. I approached the teacher of this class (Frau Reisinger, who happens to be my favorite at SMG), to ask if it would be alright for me to bring pumpkin pie to class. She decided that not only would it be ok, but that we should make the pies together. She had never made pumpkin pie and wanted to learn how to make one. I would come over to her house for lunch and then pumpkin pie baking would commence. It was a date.

I spent my week hunting for pumpkin pie ingredients. This is no easy task. Thanks to the interwebs, I discovered replacements for various ingredients, or just what I needed to buy at a German supermarket. A trip to the supermarket armed with a list of replacements and translations, plus a trip to the Asian Market for imported goods, and I was set.  

Sunday rolls around and I journey to Ingelheim for the big day. I braved the blustery wind and arrived at the Frau Reisinger's house (a former barn, which she and her husband renovated themselves) right on time. First I had lunch with Frau Reisinger, her husband and her four children. We had Potato Soup, Königsberger Klopse, salad, and fruit and pudding parfait for dessert. Absolutely delicious. Her children (aged 2nd through 8th grade) led the lunch conversation, entertaining their guest with questions about America. They were quite impressed that I, an American, had taken the time to learn German, found it most curious that we put pumpkin in a dessert, and were most shocked when I told them we don't have Döner Kebap in America. So cute.

After lunch, the pie process began. As the Germans don't have pies, I couldn't buy a pre-made crust at the supermarket, so we had to make the crust from scratch. My goodness is crust making a long process. We mixed the dough, wrapped it in plastic wrap and stuck it in the freezer to chill out for an hour. While we waited, Frau Reisinger took me on a tour of Ingelheim. Just a few short minutes from her house is part of the old city wall, part of which dates back to the 800s. That's right, my friends, there is no 1 in front of those numbers. That wall is old. She also took me to where a Roman chimney/heating system and a Roman sewage/water system were discovered. History! So cool! 

After the tour, we rolled the dough, lined both baking dishes, and baked the soon-to-be crust for 45 minutes. While baking the crust, we started on the pie filling. We used fresh pumpkin - no canned pumpkin here! and real dark brown sugar (none of that silly German braunzucker). The crust came out of the oven, we added the filling, and baked the entire pie for one more hour. During the second baking, we discussed our lesson and school. I explained to her some of the frustrations I had with lesson planning and all of the things I wish I would have brought with me, including the American cultural classics, A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving and A Charlie Brown Christmas. She immediately sent her husband on the hunt to find copies!

Our pies looked amazing and they smelt like the perfect blend of sweet and spice. I was impressed. Then the oldest daughter decided that we needed to bake Weihnachtsplätzchen, or Christmas Cookies. Another batch of dough in the old German style was whipped up, rolled out on the kitchen table, and cut with assorted cookie-cutter shapes. They were delicious. I was sent home with a bag (but they didn't last long).

The next day at school we surprised the students with pie. Because we used real pumpkin, which is kind of melon-like, the pie was sweeter than normal, but it was delicious. It was a hit!

Frau Reisinger with our pie!

This, for me, was the true meaning of cultural exchange. I spent time in my teacher's home with her family. I taught them something that I love and I baked something for my students that is truly American. I've already made the promise of pancakes and cookies. They shall be in the works soon!

lg, Lauren    

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hendrix Reunion in Eichstätt

My single overarching goal for this Fulbright year is to make this year count - to take on every opportunity and really live (I think I heard Carpe Diem and Memento Mori a bit too often in German courses last year, thanks Dr. O!). This simple goal, plus the following things, put my mind to work:

1) My eleventh grade class had an exam on Friday. I had the day off.
2) One of my Fulbright friends informed me that by becoming Facebook Friends with DeutscheBahn, you could purchase an unlimited amount of one-way train tickets to anywhere in Germany for 25 Euros (including ICE!), for travel between November 1 and December 15, but you had to buy before November 6th. 

Three Day Weekend + having Thursday afternoons always free + ridiculously cheap train tickets = Time for an adventure!

I decided to visit Dan and Paul from Hendrix in Eichstätt! I needed an escape from the normalcy I am slowly beginning to feel in Mainz (not that normalcy is a bad thing, mind you), so a weekend in the Bavarian countryside sounded excellent. And it was.

I began my journey on Thursday afternoon, after I finished teaching for the week. I should first say that this adventure almost didn't happen. I really need to add 'memorize German holidays and festivals' to my list of things to do. Thursday, November 11, was the first day of Fastnacht (Carnival). You might be thinking, 'I thought Carnival was Mardi Gras?!'. Yep. But in the Catholic Rhineland, Carnival is considered a Fifth Season - tacked onto the four we know and love. November 11 at 11:11am is the official kick-off. Everyone parties all afternoon and into the evening, then quits until the 'traditional' Fastnacht season. Mainz happens to have the second-largest Fastnacht festivities in Germany (Köln has the largest).

Fastnacht Costumes

 Schillerplatz is packed with people celebrating 

So what does this mean for me? Schillerplatz hosted the party. I conveniently live very close to Schillerplatz, so I could walk to the festivities instead of having to take a bus or tram on the festival route and schedule. This became very inconvenient, however, when I attempted to take a tram to the Hauptbahnhof to catch my train to Eichstätt and none came. I stood at my stop twenty minutes early (it is a seven minute tram ride to the train station) and three - three! - trams did not come. Eight minutes before my scheduled departure a bus came. This was going to be a long shot. We arrived at the Hauptbahnhof and I ran. Of course, the steps were blocked off so light bulbs could be replaced, so I had to push my way up an overcrowded escalator. At the platform I practically plowed over the conductor as she blew her whistle, pushing my way on the train as the doors closed. She gave me a dirty look as I dropped my bag and panted for a moment, but then went on with her business. The rest of the train rides were pretty uneventful, and I was welcomed to Eichstätt by Dan around 8:30pm. After dropping off my bag at Dan's apartment, we went to Theka, a student bar, to hang out with a few of Dan's Italian friends. They also had visitors, so we had a pretty good group. We played a English/Italian/German hybrid of BS and chatted.

On Friday I went with Dan (and Paul) to Moral Theology class. It was quite interesting, especially since it was from both a German and (very) catholic perspective (Uni Eichstätt is a small catholic university). The Dan took me on a Grand Tour of Eischstätt. A few highlights: 
-- Walking into the Dom (Cathedral) just as the organist began to practice. Free concert! 
-- Seeing the 'secret' pond/stream where the fish for Eichstätt Fischerfest are raised. We fed the fish!
-- Going to a cloister that makes and sells alcohol. And, you know, we supported the cloister.   
On Friday night we watched the Dortmund-Hamburg match with Dan's friend Hubertus and then we went to a party at the Boxerhalle. According to one of Dan's roommates, it was the biggest party of the year. It was pretty much the same as any other dance club techno-fest I've been to, but I had a good time. I'm usually too short for these type of parties. My head tends to come into contact with a lot of elbows. :\ 

On Saturday we went up to the Burg that overlooks Eichstätt, then went on a small hike through the surrounding area. The weather was perfect and we were able to see the entire town.


Neighboring village 

After our hike we took the train to Ingolstadt and met up with Dan's roommate, Tonja, who is from the area. We first went to a Bavarian restaurant for lunch, so I could sample the local delicacies. I had a Schweinhax'n (pork knuckle) with a Knödel (dumpling) and salad. It was beyond delicious. I haven't been that full in a long time. Then Tonja took us around the city. Highlights:

Old canons by the Neues Schloss (New Castle)

Donau at sunset 

We went back to Eichstätt, relaxed and hung out with Paul for a bit. An apartment building nearby was having a party so we all went. I met a few more of Dan and Paul's friends and overall it was a good party. Sadly, I had to leave Dan and Paul early this morning to go back to Mainz. An excellent reunion.

Ein weiteres erfolgreiches Abenteuer! 
Lg, Lauren

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


My life is average.

I work twelve hours a week. I have a lot of free time. So what do I do with my life? Let's see:

Twice a month I go to an English Club of Mainz-Wiesbaden outing. This usually involves chatting in English and enjoying a delicious beverage. The people are incredibly friendly and our chats cover all subject matter. This club is also my resource for finding out other interesting cultural events, because these folks generally read the newspaper (and/or are German), and I don't.

Every Saturday or Sunday I go to the Porterhouse Irish Pub to watch the Mainz05 Fußball (soccer) match. This usually involves enjoying a delicious beverage and figuring out when to yell at the TV. I'm getting pretty good (at the beverage enjoying and the yelling). Mainz is actually doing very well this season (currently second place!), so this is usually an afternoon well spent. And the very Irish owner has a very Irish sheep dog. He's fuzzy (the dog, not the owner).

On the first Thursday of the month, I go to a Fulbright Alumni meeting in Frankfurt. I hang out with Germans who spent a year in the US. We usually discuss US current events, in German, and enjoy delicious beverages. And since most of these folks are bankers, lawyers, and professors, I've been practicing my awesome networking skills.

Weekly, I get together with three other Fulbrighters, Sally, Liz, and Emily, so we can fulfill our Glee addictions. This usually involves watching Glee, sharing school (horror) stories, eating chocolate and enjoying delicious beverages.

I also tutor, I occasionally attend a lecture on Heinrich von Kleist at the university, and I like buying vegetables at the market on Fridays. I attempt to bake using American recipes, and I usually fail.

A few things I've done since the Fall Break Adventure:

I celebrated Halloween with the Fulbrighters. I was Lil' Red Ridin' Hood, one of the beloved Grimm Gangstas. The party also featured Bingen Mice, a cat, a zombie soccer player, Jessica Rabbit, two Swedes, 'Axe-Murdered' and 'The Oil Spill'. Gosh, we are so white.  

Jessica Rabbit (Jessica), Cat (Emily), Bingen Mice (Beth & Lori)

Axe-Murdered (Issac) and The Oil Spill (John)

  The bottle is Rotkäppchen Champagne. Rotkäppchen is Little Red Riding Hood in German. Clever.

Last Sunday, I went with Fulbrighters Emily and Beth to a Freezemob in Frankfurt. It was pretty fun. You can see the video here. And here.

Another great thing about free time is that I get to travel! I'm going to visit Dan in Eichstätt for the weekend! 

So, that's my Average Life in a nutshell.


Fall Break Adventure Part IV: Prague

I arrived in Prague around 12:30 on Monday and immediately felt foreign. I found the subway, discovered there was no help desk and only automated machines, and ventured to find an ATM. You would think in a major train station there would be multiple ATMs. Nope. I circled and circled and eventually found one tucked away in a corner, surrounded by construction. Knowing that the exchange rate was 16K to $1 in 2008, I withdrew the smallest option, 1000K and went back to the automated subway machine. It was, of course, written in Czech and no other language. I was a bit shocked, due to the popularity of Prague as an inexpensive tourist destination, and I think everyone takes the trams and subways, because they are frequent (every 3-5 minutes) and easy to navigate. I quickly discovered that a ticket cost 23K and you can only use coins. The ATM had provided one 1000K note. Awesome. I went to a small convenience store to try to break change, saw that everything cost less than 20K, and decided they wouldn't be very happy with me using my 1000K note, if I bought even the most expensive item. I wandered around the train station a bit trying to figure out what to do. I turned down a small hallway so I could pull out my hostel directions and see if I could walk there and discovered a small tourist shop advertising subway day passes for 5 Euro. I needed three and conveniently had 15 Euro in my wallet. I went inside and bought three. I wasn't sure if I was wasting my money, but at that point I didn't care. (fyi, I kept track of how often I used the tram, and I think I maybe lost 5 Euro or so over three days; 2 Euro from the price markup and 3 from not enough rides. The pass turned out to be very handy, since most stations didn't have ticket machines and when there were machines the lines were super long. Money well spent, in my opinion.)

I navigated myself to the hostel, checked in, and went to the grocery store. I don't like to spend money on restaurants when I travel, especially at over-priced tourist locations. I prefer bringing a self-packed sandwich, knowing that's probably what I would have bought anyway. I usually can buy three to four days worth of sandwich materials for the cost of one restaurant sandwich. This hostel made things a bit more difficult because they didn't have a guest kitchen to keep things cold, but I managed. The lack of a kitchen was definitely made up for with really, really nice bathrooms and very clean, cushy bedrooms. After stocking up on food goods (and breaking that 1000K note, check), I went back to my hostel and ate lunch.  I then went upstairs and got a map from the front desk hostess, who highlighted good tram routes and walking routes to various parts of the city.

I spent the rest of the afternoon wandering and giving myself a crash course on Prague. I should note now that Prague is SO BEAUTIFUL. Old buildings, cobblestone streets. Mainz has similar settings, but somehow is lacking the same charm. The weather was bright and sunny, and not too cold. I decided to take my dinner up to Prague Castle and eat at a spot overlooking the city. I packed up dinner and hoped on the tram that is supposed to go all the way up the hill to the castle entrance. About halfway through the ride, I had a feeling the tram wasn't going to the castle, but since I knew from the map the castle was toward the end of the line, I decided to keep riding. We arrived at the end of the line with no Prague Castle in site. So I walked across the street and got on the tram going the other direction and rode back to my hostel. The sun was starting to set and it was absolutely beautiful - a big, dark red sun and rich shades of pink. I was miffed. It would have been perfect, watching the sun set over the city during my dinner. Instead, I ate dinner in my hostel. I looked at my map back at the hostel and discovered that I simply took the tram in the wrong direction. Then I was even more upset with myself, because if I had stopped to think for a second, I would have corrected my route. hmpf.

On Tuesday, I got up early to beat the crowds at Prague Castle. It opens at 9am and I wanted to be the first to get my ticket. This time, I took the tram in the right direction, arrived when I wanted, and enjoyed the sites crowd-free.

At around 11:30, I had seen all that I wanted, and began moving my way down the hill, as the swarms of tourists moved in. But first, I managed to get a great view of the city.

At the bottom of the hill I wandered through the old town a bit and found a Starbucks. I went down to their basement without buying anything and ate my lunch while taking advantage of their internet to catch up on emails and the news. Afterward I walked across Charles Bridge to the city center to wander for a bit before going to the Jewish District.

And when I say "wander for a bit before going to the Jewish District," I really mean I wandered around and then found myself in the Jewish District. I visited the Old Jewish Cemetery and a few synagogues. By far, my favorite is the Pinkas Synagogue. The walls have been whitewashed, with the inscription of the names of 77,297 Holocaust victims, together with their dates of birth and death. Where the precise date of death is not known, the date of deportation is written instead. Their names are arranged according to the towns and villages where they were living prior to deportation, presented in alphabetical order. I wanted to take pictures, but there were Jewish Community officials in every corner, preventing me from doing so.

I stayed in the Jewish District until all of the synagogues and museums closed, then made my way back to my hostel. On a whim, I decided that I wanted to go out to eat (and I wanted good beer, let's be honest). I stopped in a hole-in-the-wall pub, took a seat, pointed to something on the menu that looked cool in Czech, and awaited my surprise. I was brought.... vegetable risotto. And it was DELICIOUS. And the mystery beer was DELICIOUS. And it all cost less than $7. I love Eastern Europe.

On Wednesday, I lived the dream: I read Kafka in Prague. Like a big nerd, I had brought an excerpt of Der Prozess (The Trial) with me. I got up early and walked to a bridge that overlooks the Charles Bridge, Prague Castle and the city. I chose the spot with the best view and read. And then, like an even bigger nerd, I went to the Kafka Museum. I figured this would be a one hour event, but I spent two and a half hours in the exhibit. It's not that big of a museum, my friends. I read every word, watched every film, and looked at every picture. The information was well presented, and quite clever if you're a fan of Kafka's works. Afterwards, I ate a quick lunch and joined a free city tour to learn a bit about the history of the city I had wandering the past few days. The guide was very knowledgeable and entertaining, so it was well worth my time. Throughout the afternoon, however, the weather turned from cold to worse, so after the tour was finished, I checked in for the night. Since it's the low season, my hostel was pretty empty, so I read (more Kafka) and went to bed early, so I could catch my very early train the next morning.

Prague was definitely a success.      

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fall Break Adventure Part III: Dresden and a side trip to Chemnitz and Zwickau

Glück auf! - Gliggauf! - Gauuuf.

Sebastian picked me up from the Hauptbahnhof on Thursday afternoon and my Abenteuer in Sachsen officially began. We headed to Gorbitz, the ghetto of Dresden, where Sebastian and his sister Jule live. I don't really mean ghetto as in East St. Louis ghetto, but most of the residents are, well, a bit interesting. Sebastian and I bought beer (always important), had dinner with Jule and friends, and then went to Neustadt for a Kneipeabend. Neustadt is a very young neighborhood in Dresden, covered in student bars. We went to two - one monster themed, the other film themed. In all, good conversation, good beer, good times.

Friday morning was a tour of the Altstadt - the Hofkirche, the Frauenkirche, the Semper Oper Haus and the Zwinger. The architecture in the Altstadt is quite elegant. The Frauenkirche was recently finished with renovation. The stone exterior is tan with splatters of dark gray. The original Frauenkirche was dark gray before being bombed during World War II. It was left in ruins during the Cold War, with only a couple archways still standing. During restoration, usable parts were sorted, identified, and placed in their original position, mixed with a new light-colored stone. One of my favorite things was the Procession of Dukes, a huge mural depicting every ruler of Sachsen (Saxony) from the middle ages to the Prussian expansion. 

After the tour, we took a brief look at the University, ate there for lunch, then met up with Jule after her classes. Jule wanted to go shopping and I decided to join. Sebastian went home (maybe he didn't think he could handle shopping with the two of us?). Jule and I looked at boots, laughed over gaudy jewelry, I convinced her to buy books and we chatted. You know, normal girl stuff. It was decided at some point that we needed wine with dinner (or we just needed wine, and, like beer, always a good decision), and wine was procured. Sebastian made schnitzel for dinner (super lecker) and we watched movies from their childhood, or "East Germany lessons" and then continued the theme with Good Bye Lenin. I also received "lessons" in Sächsisch, the regional dialect. You can learn Sächsisch too! (If you can read/speak German... sorry) I tried really hard to pick up a few words, but mostly I just giggled. Sächsisch sounds pretty silly, if you ask me.  

On Saturday, Sebastian and I went to Chemnitz to watch his friend, Erik, play in a rugby tournament. We were joined by more friends - Tom, Doreen, and Bernhard. We drank beer from plastic bottles and enjoyed cheap Glühwein and Wurst. It rained (so we needed Gewiddorflinde [Regenschirm/Umbrellas]). We attempted to figure out the rules of rugby. After a while (two games, I think), it was decided that we needed to move onwards to Zwickau, so we piled into a car and beat town. I received a grand tour of Zwickau and then we had coffee to escape the cold and rain. Then Sebastian, Bernhard and I went to Sebastian's house to enjoy delightfully delicious Döner for dinner. I met Oma Roscher, who shared a few excellent stories from the days of the DDR. I could only semi-understand her (again, Sächsisch), but Oma Roscher is super cute! Later that night, Tom, Doreen and Bernhard came back over and we enjoyed beer, sang songs and played with audio equipment in the Band Room. ( -- A side note -- I was quite impressed with the political advertisements that had been geklauted to decorate the Band Room. Representation from every political party, some in better shape than others.) 

On Sunday morning I played with Uncle Sam, the cat, and chatted with Sebastian's mom while waiting for Sebastian to get up. Then I had breakfast with the whole fam (minus Jule, who I forgot to mention had to stay home to study). Sebastian and I took a train back to Dresden and Jule met us at the Hauptbahnhof. We went and rode a cable car to an overlook with views of all of Dresden and the Elbe River. It was sunny so the views were great. 

We went home, ate leftovers and relaxed. The weekend in Dresden was perfect. It wasn't jammed-packed with excitement, but it didn't need to be. A vacation should be a good mix of fun and relaxation, and my adventures in Sachsen were just that.

Nedde Leude, dolle Sachen. Ein sehr schönes Erlebnis in Saggsen! *giggles*

Friday, October 29, 2010

Fall Break Adventure Part II: Bielefeld

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd return to Bielefeld this soon. A little over a year ago, I was freshly returned from the city, hoping I'd get the Fulbright (actually, hoping I'd get the Watson, but whatever).  Then maybe I could visit Bielefeld at some point in my journey. But as I stepped off the train, it felt like I'd never left. I already knew this place. It was comforting.

I enjoyed visiting with Pam, Michi, and Magda and revisiting my old stomping grounds. It was quite nostalgic. I got to see Tim Pote, a Hendrix Alum, who is interning at some engineering firm (I think). It still blows my mind that Tim is in Bielefeld, of all the places in the world. I guess this shows how Hendrix encourages its students/graduates to get out and see the world. We met up for coffee and dinner, and discussed Hendrix days and life as Americans in Germany. Our meeting made me realize how much I miss Hendrix.

During my visit, German weather quickly changed from the last remnants of summer, to full-on fall. So cold. But as a result, the beginning of excellent fall colors.

Overall, it was a lovely reunion and a nice visit.

Fall Break Adventure Part I: Amsterdam

After one hour of class on Friday, I took the train to Amsterdam to visit Ben Thomas, a Hendrix student who I went to Poland with in May. I arrived around 3:30 and after finding Ben, we trekked to his apartment in Diemen, a quiet suburb south of the city. We settled for a bit, went grocery shopping, then went back to the city, so I could get my first tour of Amsterdam by night. I was shocked at how beautiful the city is. My only perceived image was the Red Light District - grimy and big city lights. The city, however, is quite charming, and with the canals it almost sparkles. The Red Light District looks like the rest of the city - narrow cobblestone streets, leaning buildings - except there are scantly-clad women in the windows at night.

On Saturday morning, Ben had a bit of reading to do, so I ventured to the city on my own. Ben had provided an excellent crash course on navigating a few landmarks, so in addition to a city map, I was ready to go. Ben and I were to meet later in the afternoon at Dam Square, but other than that I had no plans. So I set an alarm and walked. The city is even more beautiful during the day. Canals weave throughout the city and are lined with elegant townhouses and crossed with stone bridges. Boats of every variety are docked, including some pretty awesome house boats.

At 2pm, I met Ben to go the Rijksmuseum, the Museum of Netherlands Art and History. The museum is very well designed with an excellent audio-tour. There was also a great exhibit on Rembrandt. There is construction, so the museum will be even bigger and better in a few years! After the museum, we walked the Vondelpark, one of (if not) the biggest parks in the city. It was great to walk, take in some sun, and people watch.  

On Sunday, I spent a bit of the morning trying to plan out my route for the day. I wanted to hit a few markets and young neighborhoods, so once again I left Ben to read and hit the city. As I wandered I got a bit sidetracked, but when I eventually got to where I wanted to be, I discovered that everything was closed. It's Sunday, what was I thinking. I found many nice benches along the canals to people watch and boat watch, and thoroughly enjoyed wandering the narrow streets, discovering back alleys with stunning architecture.

Everyone rides bikes in Amsterdam. There are bike lanes on every street and special bike stoplights. Navigating traffic in Amsterdam was a bit more difficult, because not only do you have to watch for cars, you have to watch for bikes, too, because unlike cars, they do not stop at pedestrian walks. And they have awesome bikes! Like this one:

That, my friends, is a basket built into the bike. In this basket you can haul groceries, dogs, children, anything! And they make bigger ones with two front wheels, intended to carry up to four children. And no one wears helmets. Crazy!

That pretty much sums up my Amsterdam adventures. I was super lucky and had amazing weather - not a drop of rain the entire time! The city center is very, very touristy, but once you get out a bit, everything is quite lovely.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I lost a very dear friend last Friday. After I get over a bit of the shock, I promise to pull my thoughts together about my Fall Break travels. I think for the first time ever, I want to be home more than anything else. I feel so privileged, now, to have this experience, as I am reminded that our lives are so delicate. Rest in Peace, Nicholas Fender. I miss you. 

Monday, October 4, 2010


"The 'Red Wine City' Welcomes Their Guests"

The Rotweinfest is similar to any small town festival or fair in the US, except instead of serving up unlimited varieties of fried food, Ingelheim delivers unlimited varieties of wine. Now, mind you, visitors can snack on schnitzel, curry wurst, and Nutella crepes before spinning themselves into oblivion on carnival rides, but there are definitely no fried Twinkies in sight.

It finally stopped raining and warmed up a bit, so Sally and I visited the famous Rotweinfest on Friday afternoon. There weren't that many people there so we were able to get food and wine in peace. I saw some of my students and received an ample amount of 'What is she doing here, teachers don't have real lives' stares. I greeted one group, which they found to be hilarious. After one glass of wine, Sally and I had enough and decided to head back to Mainz to go to Eisgrub brewery. The beer there tastes better (blasphemy) and is way cheaper. But now I can say that I've been to Rotweinfest, and I have the commemorative wine glass to prove it. We met up with Emily and here friend who is studying abroad in France and had a blast. Eisgrub never disappoints.

On Sunday the weather magically turned into summer again, bringing sunshine and upper 60s to the Rhineland. After wrapping up a few lesson plans, I headed to Wiesbaden to meet up with Sally. We took a walk through a beautiful park behind the theater and casino (really, really pretty casino). The park is HUGE and surrounded by typical Wiesbaden (d.h. stunning) mansions. Sally and I have decided that we need to marry (future) doctors or lawyers from Wiesbaden so we can live in one of these houses. Wiesbaden is just so ritzy. Mainz has got the cultural thing down, but Wiesbaden's architecture cannot be beat.

                                                                The Casino

                                                            My future house

Today at school, I learned how to print onto a projector sheet. And teachers that aren't in my department talked to me. And I got my haircut after school (much needed, I was looking pretty shaggy). And the weather was BEAUTIFUL! All-around good day, if you ask me.

I'm looking forward to Teacher's Outing on Thursday night and then Friday begins the FALL BREAK GRAND ADVENTURE! Yessssss!

lg, Lauren
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Friday, October 1, 2010

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My first "whoops" at work

Last weekend I was invited to my mentor teacher's house for dinner with a few other teachers. It was very, very nice. Evidently, it is custom to treat your guests to five course meals here in the D-land. Upon arrival I was told that since I wasn't driving, I had to drink. Soon after a drink was pushed in my hand and I was led to the sunroom for hors d'oeuvres and more drinks. During snack time, I faced something I never experienced in Germany prior to this occasion: a German that doesn't like Obama. And doesn't like Democrats. For the first time, I had to defend my political beliefs to a German in German. What a nightmare. (Note for those with an understanding of the German political system: soon after this, said person began bashing the SPD and then complained that the CDU wasn't 'doing enough.')

Then the meal began in the dining room. The table was set with a full setting (thank goodness I went to etiquette class at Hendrix!), complete with three different wine glasses. The salad came, accompanied with the first bottle of wine. Then lobster and two more bottles of wine. At this point, I felt like I was going to explode, and welcomed dessert. We were then presented with potatoes, beans, and a huge pot roast. And more wine. I received quizzing looks for not eating much and was told that I needed to be "fattened up before being sent home to America." Good Lord.

Then we had two desserts. And wine. And champagne. And more wine for good measure. We were shipped home by taxi and 2:30 and I stumbled into my apartment sometime after 3. Thank goodness I "only" needed to work on lesson plans the next day.

 Fast forward to Tuesday. I never ever look at the absentee teacher board. When I showed up to one of my 8th grade classes that morning, I was a bit surprised to see a different teacher. Since I had prepared a lesson, I offered to fill the first hour of the double block as normal. The substitute teacher didn't know the rules of the program and just left me alone to teach. With thirty 8th graders. ALONE. I started my lesson and the students blew through it in 20 minutes. Crap. I decided that I needed to learn their names and started a round of the name game, which somehow managed to take us to the bell.

I waited for the substitute to come in at the break. He never came back. I had to keep thirty 8th grades entertained for the next hour. Oh. My. God. Major. PANIC. I had nothing. I started them on a round of questions to get them talking and then everything fell apart. They knew that I wasn't supposed to be there and that I had no clue as to what I was doing. We mutually gave up. They talked and acted like rambunctious teenagers, and I spent 30 minutes feeling like the worst pseudo-teacher ever.

Things that I learned:
1. Never offer to assist when there is a substitute teacher.
2. Always have a really, really good teenager-proof back-up plan.

A different teacher asked if I could sub for her class after fall break. I don't think that's going to happen.

lg, Lauren

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The First Week of School

Sorry for the very, very long intermission between posts. I actually started this post last week and then got really sick, so sleepy time and battling the plague became more important than writing. A few important things: 

First: I got my visa!! Finally.

Second: I bought a bike on Sunday! It is pink and is little so I can actually ride it. (The man at the bike market swore that it is NOT a kids bike.) 

Third: I have now been at my school for a week and a half, so I've visited my classes at least once. The following is my class schedule and my observations of each class:

7:40:  Frau Schultz's 8B class.
These students are pretty quiet and whenever they do speak, their English is not so wonderful. I was surprised on my first day at the amount of German used in class. Frau Schultz is also my mentor teacher, yet doesn't really seem to know how to utilize me in class. We'll see how this goes.  

8:30: Frau Reisinger's 8D class.
They use little to no German in the classroom. I did not hear one word of German spoken by the teacher. Frau Reisinger also has her students write all of their errors and corrections in a journal, instead of just correcting it on the original paper, so they can catch themselves making common mistakes. The students are very attentive and active participants. They will be very easy to work with. I found out after the class that they are 'bi-lingual students,' which means they take some of their other subjects in English to broaden their language skills. I really adore Frau Reisinger. She is extremely nice and enjoys utilizing me as a way to introduce new teaching methods to the class. I think I am going to learn a lot from her.     

7:40: Frau Schultz's 8H class
Though this class speaks up a bit more, their English level is still not as strong as some of the other 8th grade classes. 

9:30: Herr Heinemann's 8C class
This class holds the title for the first class I gave a planned lesson to. I had never visited the class, and decided on my first day to give it a go and hope for the best. These students have a pretty strong command of English. They are not as strong as a bilingual class, but they have strong fluency and adaptability. They were very willing to participate and answer questions. Herr Heinemann is super nice and very helpful during my lessons, encouraging students to be active and as he puts it, "take advantage of an expert." 

8:30: Frau Mikutta's 11E class.
These students are taking the course as a Grundkurs, which means it won't be tested as a primary subject for their Abitur. These students make grammatical errors that are considered to be way below their level. The first week they were very quiet, but when I presented a lesson on American high schools, they opened up. Frau Mikutta was really happy that I got them to talk a lot, and would like me to focus future lessons on discussing or even debating a topic. I think NPR is about to become my best friend.

9:30: Frau Aufderhaar's 9A class.
These students are very active. They are required to speak a lot, and therefore have excellent pronunciation. Frau Aufderhaar probes students with more questions about their answers to really make them think about the topic on their feet. She doesn't want them to rely on previously written answers. All of them want to read and actually complain when someone else gets to read more often then they do. At the end of my lesson on American high schools they moaned because not all of them were able to answer my question. German is only used for clarification. They will be very easy to work with. I also found out afterward that they are a bilingual class.

12:10: Frau Weber's 8H class.
Oh, goodness. These kids are a piece of work.

12:55: Frau Peter's 6 Bili class.
These students are 'training' for bilingual to be in bilingual classes in the 7th grade. They have a pretty good command of the language after one year of instruction. They are very curious and unbelievably excited to have a guest from America (even if they can't quite comprehend the difference between the US and England). They are too cute and I can't wait to create crazy games to play in class!

8:30: Frau Weber's 9F class.
These students have a pretty good command of English. They were very willing to participate, especially speaking.

9:30: Frau Aufderhaar's 9D class.
These students are a bit more nervous to speak out loud, but when they do, they have strong fluency. I think if I focus on giving all of them a chance to speak in class, I will really get them going.

10:20: Herr Heinemann's 8E class.
So, Herr Heinemann threw me a curve ball the first day I visited his class. All of the other teachers wanted me to introduce myself, then observe. He, however, gave me full control of the hour. I eventually started to get the students to ask me questions about myself and to bring up topics they wanted to learn about during my visits. I'm pretty sure they think I'm really weird, and I definitely showed them how big of a nerd I am, but hey, they laughed a lot (so I hope that means I'm funny).

7:40: Frau Peter's 11 LK class.
These students are taking English has a main subject for their Abitur, and their English is very, very good. They are reading books I read in high school. Like my sixth graders, they are pretty excited to have me in class, and provided me with a very long list of topics to discuss and present during the semester. They want to learn about the American Political system (hello, School House Rock) and the rules of American football (I might teach them how to Call the Hogs, because that would be pretty damn hysterical), among other subjects. I think they will succeed at being my easiest and most difficult class each week.

Tomorrow is Wandertag, which means every class is going on a field trip and I don't have to go to school. I'll miss the kids, but I won't miss my 5:30 wake up call.

lg, Lauren 

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Orientation and First Day of School!!

Orientation was, well... just ok. After much anticipation due to boredom, it really didn't live up to expectations. But, because this is my blog about "Fulbright Experiences," I'll detail the entire event just for you:

On Monday morning I helped Sally move into her new apartment. After that, we decided to go out for a late breakfast/early lunch before catching our train at 1:30. We had a nice meal at a cute cafe. At around 12:00 we asked to pay so there would be plenty of time for us to go to my apartment to pick up our bags and get to the train station. The waitress did not come back to our table until almost 12:45. We rushed to my apartment, grabbed our bags, and practically sprinted to the train station. After a few illegal and near-miss cross walks along the way, we barley caught our train before it left the station. Sally and I found our reserved seats and sat down to enjoy the relaxing two-hour journey along the picturesque Rhein river.

At 2:45 we stop at the Bonn station, about 15 minutes from Köln (Cologne), our desired location. The train conductor announces that the train in front of us is stuck and our train will be stopped for an "undetermined amount of time." Then less than a minute later, they announce that all riders going to Köln should take the subway, a hour ride. Sally and I are supposed to meet the Fulbright bus in Köln at 3:30. Our Welcome Packet warned that missing the bus would bring a 100 Euro taxi trip to the orientation site. I had 5 Euro in my wallet. Major panic sets in about... now.

We took the subway to Köln, which took an hour and a half, because the subway was so overcrowded the doors could not close. Then we called the orientation site - at this point an hour late - to get more information. They told us to take another train to Bergisch Gladbach, then take a taxi. There were supposedly more people that missed the train, so we should look for them to share a taxi. Sally and I rode out to the small town and looked for people that looked like Americans when we got off. No one. We started in the direction of the taxis and saw two girls with suitcases. It was decided then that they had to be Fulbrighters so we ran at them - frantically - and upon approach to their taxi, I practically screamed at them "Sind Sie mit dem Fulbright Program?" One girl gave me a weird look and replied, "You're Fulbrighters?" Jubilation. "We are sharing your taxi." I handed our taxi driver the address and we were off.

We arrived to the orientation site, Altenberg, with a 20 Euro taxi fare, then split four ways. So much for 100 Euro. We then awkwardly walked into the Welcome Session, got our rooms and went to dinner. More boring welcomes and information. On Tuesday, we divided up into our state groups to meet people in our area. Our group consisted of Rhineland-Pfalz (where I live) and Saarland, because Saarland only has three assistants. I was shocked to discover that there are 11 people in the general Mainz region: seven teaching in Mainz (plus me living there), two teaching in Ingelheim, and two teaching in Bingen. The only other person in Rhineland-Pfalz is teaching in Ludwigshafen, where the Fulbrighter from Hendrix last year, Jessica, taught. Everyone in the group is so nice, welcoming, and fun!

Then we divided again into work groups. Most of the people in my work group were from my state. We divided into even smaller groups to prepare a lesson that we would teach to the rest of the class. Each small group chose a level of instruction, ranging from grade school (3rd - 5th grade) to top levels (11th-13th grade). My group chose the top level and we began to work on a lesson stereotypes. We were almost finished and our mentor told us that our presentation was too easy for our group. We then redid our entire lesson and presented to the class, "Gender Rolls and the Media." It interesting, mostly. It was difficult to divide a 40 minute lesson among four people and to prepare a good lesson in one afternoon with almost no resources.

Overall, I felt that I really did not learn much about teaching techniques and the information presented about living in Germany and dealing with German bureaucracy I already knew from living in Bielefeld. Truthfully the only practical thing I got from the entire week was meeting everyone from Mainz. We became pretty fast friends, being cooped up in the same classroom all day all week, so we have agreed upon regular dinner meetings, at least twice a month, during our time here. It is so nice having friends here that understand what you are going though, without having to explain anything. We want to share stories (good and bad), lesson plans, and good ol' American companionship while we are here. I am so thankful for this comfort and piece of home.

The trip back was smooth sailing. On Friday, I went to school in Ingelheim for the first time! I managed to find my school, and after making three laps around the grounds, I managed to find an entrance. I made my way to the secretary's office, where my teacher was waiting for me. We both realized that we had not set an actual meeting place, and we both had hoped that we would end up finding the other through the secretary. After I filled out a ton of paperwork, my sponsoring teacher showed me my mailbox and my very own chair in the teacher's lounge. I met the principle, who was a Fulbrigher in Kansas City, and we chatted a bit about my interests and what I want to do while I am here. He was supposed to introduce me to the entire staff, but he had a meeting. My teacher then gave me schedule and the textbooks used in the classes. I will be assisting with six 8th grade classes, three 9th grade, two 11th grade, and one 6th grade class. The 6th grade class is an accelerated class that is preparing for bi-lingual classes in the 7th grade. 8th graders learn about the United States all year, which is why I'll primarily help them. One of the longer units they will eventually cover is about Hermann, Missouri! And there is a section about building the Arch. I am pretty excited (and the teachers, too) that I know a lot about the topics to be covered.

After that I came back to Mainz and met up with Sally and Liz. We went for dinner at a restaurant called Augustiner's Keller, that serves traditional German food. Then we walked around a bit, had ice cream, and made plans for Saturday. On Saturday, we met around 11:30 and walked around the market a bit to find lunch. Sally and I got some sort of wurst and bread and Liz found some fruit. Afterward, we happened to run into Ashely and had ice cream. Sally, Liz and I stopped at the grocery store to pick up frozen pizza and beer (the finest delicacies Germany has to offer), then ventured back to Sally's apartment to hang out. We chatted, ate, played Phase10, and enjoyed the night.

On Sunday there was a bike market, and a bunch of Fulbrighters planned to meet there to buy bikes and then go somewhere for lunch after. Only Sally, Liz, John, and I actually showed up (not that anyone else RSVPed to go). They all got bikes, and I cannot ride a bike and supposedly already have one from the girl I'm renting from, so we all left satisfied. Mostly. I saw a really cute, small pink bike (which I was assured was NOT a child's bike) for 35 Euro, a real steal. I contemplated and decided that I needed that bike to learn how to ride a bike this year. Everything about this bike was like it was made for me. I rode back to the Hauptbahnhof, withdrew money, and ran back to the bus, barely making it in time (there are less buses running on Sunday, so you better make the bus or wait a loooong time for the next). When I got back to the bike market, the vender with the pink bike only had that one left. He was delighted to sell it to me (of course, who else wants a small, pink bike?) and tinkered with the seat until it was the "perfect fit." I am so tickled. I have a bike! That I bought by myself!

I took my bike home and met up with the others down town to find food. There was a festival showcasing foreign clubs offered in Mainz and all of them were offering food - a lot of food. And dancing - including little kids dancing in Taekwondo outfits with sticks. Too cute. I ate some sort of Portuguese stuffed meat bread thing and we found glasses to return for money (I love Pfand!). Then we decided we had enough of crowds and wanted to try a local TexMex restaurant for drinks and maybe food.

We found the place and it was covered in Americans, mostly from the military base in Wiesbaden. I'm guessing this is because it is Sunday, and this is one of the few restaurants open on Sundays, and one of the few restaurants in the area that's main menu is in English, with a mini German version. The four of us ordered drinks and a round of "Fire Water." That was an experience I don't think I'll ever forget and I don't want to share here. I'll simply offer the advice to not order the "chef's special drink" when the chef is from Mexico. The four of us sure had a good laugh.

I am so happy that I have already made such good friends in such a short time. I also look forward to Uni starting soon, so I can meet more German students as well. Despite the amount of English that I am using, I already feel that I am back in the rhythm of using German. I hope this smooth sailing continues!

lg, Lauren